Si terrà From the 10th to the 13th of October, the 26th edition of Sicam's 2017, the International Exhibition of Components, Accessories and Semi-Finished for the 26-th Industry of the Mobile. As usual, new items, materials, devices and technologies will be presented to the global market; Will develop concepts and innovative projects in the 26-rsquo; the scope of the 26-rsquo; design furniture. In other words, Sicam represents a great showcase about the phases that precede the creation of finished products. E’ Now an indispensable appointment for both designers and manufacturers, who find numerous sources of inspiration and have the potential of 26-agrave; To focus on focusing ideas for future collections. The 2016 figures appear to be very significant: operators from 102 countries participated and the number of companies visited was over 7,000, of which 64 were Italians. The exhibition area covered 30,000 sqm, exhibitors reached the 560th; L’ list of those who will be present at Sicam 2017 can può To find online on the official website of the fair and verrà Constantly updated until the opening date. One way, this, to allow everyone to plan their visit and optimize their stay time. The spaces are già Close to “ sold out” And among the participating companies are the major players in the industry. E’ A successful announcement.
The Sicam 2017 aprirà Flying on October 10, closing è Instead it is scheduled for the 13th. For visitors and 26-th prints, the time runs from 9.30 am to 6.00 pm, all exhibitors will be operating from 8.30 am to 7 pm. And just around the corner, the list of exhibitors confirms the world-wide 26-rsquo; event. Of course, most are Italians, but many come from Germany, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, from 26 to Austria, Turkey, Canada, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. It is important to note that from 16 to 19 May the Sicam è Was present at the Interzum international fair: the decision to go to Cologne è Coincided with volontà To make known to all the operators visiting the next edition of the show, also anticipating some of the novelà scheduled. nbsp--26;
Appointment from the 10th to the 13th of October with the ninth edition of Sicam, the International Exhibition of Components, Accessories and Semi-Finished for the 26-th Industry Furniture. And if l’ last year è The record has been recorded in terms of attendance, for this 2017 forecasts announce even moreù results; important. L” event of Pordenone continues to grow seamlessly with 26-agrave ;. In the sub-sector of 26-rsquo; national furnishings, behind the medium-to-medium-large 26-ugrave companies; Note, c&39; è A whole chain of small and medium-sized artisan companies, holding up that know-how that makes it great in Italy” In the world: fairs such as Sicam serve, indeed, above all, to support the internationalization process in a concrete way, always offering a 26-high quality; Of business relationships through 26-rsquo; careful selection of operators and 26-rsquo; high level of services. In the town of Friuli Venezia Giulia you will find againà Again the community of international mobile: the professionals who count, the top players, protagonists of design choices and technologies, the best suppliers. L’ common target è Exchange ideas and identify those innovations that will be the 26-rsquo; element of novità Of the next furniture collection.