The relevance of edges for the furniture sector is known to buyers and purchasing managers: Hranipex offers a really wide range
Hranipex an entrepreneurial reality among the main actors in the production of accessories for the furniture The industry, for which high-level symbol, both in articles and in the services offered. It makes the appropriate systems partner for The industry dell'arredo.Scopo of Hranipex offering of impeccable quality accessories, for ad hoc use destination, simple and versatile, which make the dwelling more comfortable and sicura.Le customer expectations are challenges to be faced as a growth opportunity. In this Hranipex way of cutting edge technology and continuous produttivit.Ogni passage of the project that guides the development of a component it is developed with care, from the start of the project until the start of production, to offer products that facilitate the maximum customization by clienti.Ci allows for applications in the most diverse contexts dellarredo interior and satisfy every expectation, from the simplest to the most sofisticata.Per achieve this objective Hranipex adopts a different approach to ongoing, investigating technicians and advanced manufacturing processes. In this way each piece capable of responding to those planning to give form to settings with a personal style without putting aside a very effective technology.