Sitab has been producing eco-friendly expanded polyurethane since the Seventies, offering a truly wide range to purchasing offices and designers.
## Article ## of waterlily padding materials are elements that carry the signature of the leading manufacturers in the industry, which ensure ## Article ## Quality. ## Article ## of padding materials waterlily, both versatile and great performance, they integrate seamlessly with mobile, increasing ## Article ## aesthetic content and use. ## Article ## of padding materials waterlily mix technology and aesthetic value: this ensures a diverse range of possible destinations of use. To propose innovative systems tested are companies among the leaders in the manufacture of components for the furniture The industry, which make investments in advanced manufacturing methods and design, to provide articles with high quality standards. For the proper functioning of a mobile need reliable elements, such as ## art ## cushioning materials waterlily, which maintain unchanged over the years and not scontentino ## Article ## of the customers' expectations and end users.