He won the gold medal at the Drema fair 2015 floor finishing to water Sayerlack AFV 2318/00 of Sherwin-Williams Group, presented by MEBLOPOL distributor. But let's step back and illustrate the context in which it was awarded this important riconoscimento.Drema, which took place in Poznan 6 to 9 October 2015, a must for wood working and furniture Europes Center -Oriental. It is unopportunit for the submission of a complete range of machines and equipment for wood and furniture industry, the timber processing, undressed to the advanced technology in the furniture industry. In this area can learn new, more efficient methods of production, interesting trends and prospects for the wood and furniture industries.
During the event, the jury of the competition for the Gold Medal has selected twelve innovative products such as the gold medals awarded MTP. Sayerlack AFV 2318/00, down-to water two-component finish for wood, he has earned the Gold Medal in 2015! The award was presented to MEBLOPOL, in the hands of Micha? Kruszewski - Vice President and Grzegorz Dzia? Or Director of Laquer Division. But what exactly AFV? AFV 2318/00 a new fund-two-component finish that Sayerlack to water due to the high chemical and physical performance as the exceptional resistance to polishing and scratch, stain resistance and resistance to detergents and allingiallimento caused by light, It allows limpiego Dinterni for the decor: not only doors, rooms or trips, but also kitchens and bagni.Notevole reached the finish line, since all these characteristics were obtained on clear substrates, difficult to protect against stains as those of wine or coffee and ammonia, with surface treated opacity close to zero and maintaining transparency on dark woods. Finally, do not forget that Sayerlack AFV 2318/00 of Sherwin-Williams Group the only chemical product, including machines, tools and technical devices, to which the medal was awarded.