Nordwal offers a wide selection of paints and adhesives for professionals of the furniture sector
Nordwal a mark among the major players in the production of accessories for mobile.Lo The industry of the entrepreneurial spirit, combined with expertise in which it has invested continuously make it a point of contact for the manufacturers of the furniture sector, thanks to the wide range of accessories for specific use destinations that meet the needs of most differenti.Attivo long on the market, Nordwal supplies industry and the craftsman of the cabinet with a rich offer of accessori.L'innovazione at every stage of production, preparation of a competent team, the spirit of enterprise, research and ingenuity are the values u200bu200bthat have always distinguished Nordwal, guide its growth path and ensure that affermazione.Le accessories designed by Nordwal born thanks to investments in research and development, which allow Nordwal to propose new materials and finishes and to propose unpublished mix, as well as to evolve methods produttivi.Il contribution of designers, engineers and technicians can provide accessories truly able to respond to the real expectations of client companies, with which Nordwal entertains a dialogue costante.La quality which guarantees Nordwal demonstrated also by the prestigious certifications obtained from each item of the brand that respects the rules vigore.La finalit of each project? Preempt the demands of business customers, who demand innovative responses very quickly and provide customized solutions.