During & Vivan unazienda that designs, manufactures and distributes glue and since 1962. With a high focus in the sector of wood and furniture, during&Vivan offers a comprehensive range of adhesives for different needs and applications industry, such as surface finishing and curved panels, assemble the machine, edging, to quote the principali.Fondata over fifty years ago by brothers Tarcisio and Luigi Durante, the company has always provided quality to the market and know-how in dellassemblaggio sector and the finish of the cabinet, Vivan & During today a consolidated reality in einternazionale national level and present through manufacturing facilities, distributors, sister company and brand partnerships in over 40 countries, with a turnover of almost 50 million euro.
In the sector of inventing more and more designers wood-furniture and propose the use of different materials, to meet the market trend and to satisfy performance requirements, more and more demanding functional and aesthetic, which represent challenges eopportunit for daily work within the laboratories of Research Development & systematic dellazienda.Lapproccio to innovative adhesives projects by During&Vivan, it provides solutions and answers for anything but static market. Another important factor consists of the sustainability. A sticker has to meet the requirements ecosostenibilit since the formulation until the end of its life cycle; from the selection of raw materials from renewable sources of bio origin materials, to packaging with recycled plastics, to improve energy dellefficienza projects and to the reduction of emissions produced. Today sustainability a term less and less abstract and more and more a practical aspect Jobs Search & Development.