Purchasing departments and designers in the furniture sector can count on the avant-garde glues and adhesives of Industrie Chimiche Forestali
Chemical Industries in Forestry dialogue with architects, to answer truly customer demands with products with high quality standards, for specialist destinations. There, together with decades of an experience, are the essential ingredients to offer safe components, well made and functional, with a design in step with the times and excellence. Components must ensure minimum visual impact on the applications: the goal of Chemical Industries Forestry to solve technical difficulties preventing them affect design, facilitating a high level of personalization by customers. Chemical Industries Forestry has continuously developed a production concept where technical innovation goes hand in hand with genialit and expansion efforts of the production department and the center projects. A company that offers its customers the experience of a highly trained and skilled team: everything Chemical Industries Forestry, which has a large collection of components for the furniture The industry elartigiano.