3M DI-NOC films, versatile and high aesthetic value, are enriched with a hundred and fifty new finishes, with a total collection of over nine hundred pattern.Ma what is it exactly? The Di-Noc 3M adhesives and coatings are laminated lightweight ductile, a real skin applicable in all areas and dellinterior dellarchitettura: from building facades to darredo elements, from the decoration of the new, dellesistente to redevelopment. The DI-NOC concept has transformed the way of renewing the appearance of the environments thanks to its easy and non-invasive application, enables the redevelopment of areas with significant cost and time saving compared to conventional solutions.
The one hundred and fifty new pattern enrich all households in the catalog: wood, metal, textile, plaster and ceramics, stones, skins and solid colors, adding new color codes and material trends. DI-NOC with its meter and a height of twenty-two to fifty meters of extension (of the single roll), allows to be coated in a continuous way enormous surfaces, obtaining aesthetic results really impossible with any other materiale.Tra the most attractive patterns of the new collection figure certainly the charred wood, the changing colors, the spatula, the beautiful textile, which refer to the years Fifty offices of Jacques Tati films and surfaces in gold leaf, bronze and rame.Sar can admire the new collection oF -NOC at the Bramante cloister of the Ursulines of St Charles, in via Lanzone 53, in Milan, during the days of the Salone del Mobile in 2016 inside the first edition of in-creative cloister - Design, architecture and cities.