Profiles and frames, solid wood processing, wood panels, also with different profiles wrapped decorative: this is the group's core business Master Profiles, supporting businesses dellarredamento the world since 1991. The company bases its philosophy on sound bases, characterized by practicality, reliability and technical knowledge, as well as the relationship with suppliers and customers. For each project, in fact, we start from an abstract study of the needs of the customer and, once identified the darredo style, we proceed with the actual design of a product in an expert, aimed at satisfying the needs of all commitenti. Creativity is then flanked and supported by strong technical skills and allimpresa allows us to operate in a dynamic and flexible way, customizing each project.
The above features allow the company to apply to the national and international market with both projects with classic tastes, which projects with distinctly modern and contemporary working, not just any kind of wood, but also chipboard, MDF, paper coatings, veneers and PVC. This propensity for attention to detail is also evident nellimpegno newspaper that Master Profiles has against THE ENVIRONMENT protection, promoting development that is sustainable. The will to improve every day their quality standards, in fact, allowed the company to make use of the following certifications: FSC, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001, with the goal of reconciling economic growth with the increase in sensitivity and awareness in all business areas: from investment activities, the employed technologies and operating methodologies, respecting at each stage the environmental heritage, so going to generate an improvement in the living conditions not only current, but also future .