2017 è A year of special creative fermentation and fruitful partnerships for Alps, a leading company in the production of decorative wooden surfaces and prefabricated panels for the furniture sector. Spring brings with sé The shapes and colors of two unpublished collections: Legacy, curated by Piero Lissoni, and Sushi made by the Brothers Campana. Two proposals in which, once again, tailoring culture is valued by the moreù technologies; innovative. Two lines that as always derive not only from creativityà Of listed designers and of a continuous stylistic research, but also of the 26-rsquo; use of high-quality raw materials. Alpi wood is transformed through a well-developed and verified production process in every single step, becoming a design product that on the one hand carries the traces of a great crafty wisdom and from the 26th, while another demonstrates a continuous formal and conceptual evolution . The ciò There is a constant focus on the 26-rdquo; environment that goes from responsible and sustainable forest management, based on the highest respect of biodiversità ;. With Legacy and Sushi l’ aesthetic goes hand in hand with durabilità And the protection of nature.
Alpi has always worked with prestigious Italian designers: è This was a winning insight of the founder of Vittorio Alpi. A 26-intuition that still yields all’ teaches creativityà ;, of the 26-rsquo; originalità ; Of a qualitatively evolved design. In this 2017’ company has crossed its own way with that of Piero Lissoni and the Brothers Campana. In the first case è The new Legacy collection was born, starting with a 26-rsquo; deep search for all’ identità Of the material reproduces the essence of the wood exalting its intrinsic elements. Going più In particular, this new collection is inspired by almost lost, but always seductive essences such as ebony, teak, wengé, rosewood and zebrano; Are in all cases trees endangered by extinction and consequently their useè or almost asé It prohibited. Their remarkable aesthetic value, the durabilità Natural and excellent mechanical strengths have led to a high demand for these woods over the years, which has aggravated deforestation problems and led to numerous activities; unlawful. Alps wants to pursue a 26-rsquo; defense and protection action by reproducing these essences thanks to state-of-the-art technologies. The result è In these pictures, which really speak for themselves.
L’ another new collection presented by Alpi for this 2017 è Sushi, which brings the signature of the Brothers Campana, sees protagonists interesting lines from the graphic design and s’ inspires the design of the 26-rsquo; homonymous collection created by the same designers. Almost challenging nature, the ever-promising Humberto and Fernando recreate a dynamic and dreamlike pattern, harmoniously geometric; 26-rsquo; innovative coating technique consists of 26-rsquo; roll together different types of fabrics, rugs, felt and rubber profiles to form some special spirals: 26-rsquo; è Definitely unconventional. The graphic design is reproduced on Alpi wood thanks to the tailoring culture and the craftsmanship that have always distinguished the productions of this 26-rdquo; company. Sushi è A dreamlike wood and at the same time molded according to the most&hop mood; modern; Concretizes the thoughts, poetry, 26-rsquo; energy of the famous Brazilian duo. Alpi proposes two chromatic versions in brown and slate gray with contrasting gold details for the first and silver for the second.