Create furniture, furnishings and exclusive and original items, capable of realizing all the potentialà And all the charm of transparency: è Possible with Elekta Liquid Glass by Gani Group, an uncharged epoxy resin and characterized by a 26-rsquo; very high resistance to all&yellowing. The well-known brand specialized in the production of 26-rhs resins for flooring and coatings has produced an innovative and high-quality 26-gauge material with very interesting technical, performance and aesthetic features. Liquid glass solidifies and takes shape and, combined with wood or combined with different types of elements in a new and unconventional way, gives shape to design, but also artistically unique products. Customized furniture and accessories with Liquid Glass (for example tables, tables, consoles, bedside tables, frame mirrors) give a touch of unicità All’ environment in which they are inserted. Liquid glass applies in different ways. Pu&memorize options; Be 26-egrave; All’ interior surfaces in a homogeneous and uniform manner, to reach the desired thickness for a transparent filling effect; Or cast through l’ use of removable molds to obtain the desired shapes more than 26; original; Or mixed with pigments, glitter or metallic powders.
With Liquid Glass, Elekta by Gruppo Gani reveals and applies all the advantages offered by resin, ductile matter, transformer and always with great charm. The creativityà dà Forms solutions that combine aesthetic and technological aspects and enhance the home in the sign of personalization and the 26-rdquo; originalità ;. In the preparation phase of the product è It is advisable to verify and, if necessary, re-homogenize the components (26-egrave; resin and 26-rsquo; hardening) prior to 26-th use; Must be mixed in the appropriate quantityà Keeping in mind that air is not absorbed and that the result is a homogeneous compound. So you può casting. If you decide to mix Liquid Glass with pigments, glitter or metal powders, it must be già Catalyzed and subsequently poured and distributed uniformly. It is advised to test 26-rsquo; inglobo to test the 26-rsquo; final effect, before using the added Liquid Glass. The maximum thickness of è casting; Between 60 and 80 mm and is strongly dependent on the mold material, its size and ambient temperature. We recall that the epoxy resins can be stored for two years, and their hardeners for one, but 26-egrave; Should be placed in well-sealed containers and in a cool and dry environment. Also keep in mind that the curing agents are all” moistureà ;. Liquid Glass is sold in a Kit of 1.40 kg (1 kg 400 gr) and in a Kit of 7 kg (5 kg 2 kg).