Blum, a leading company in the field of functional hardware, has launched an innovative product that redefines the new standard in the world of hinges for doors.
Clip top Blumotion encloses the blumotion system integrating it into the base, to give more comfort to the closing movement of all types of ante.Esteticamente no different in size from the traditional furniture hinges clips Top, but the refined design also enhances visivamentelalta quality.
The product was also well designed to accompany 200,000 opening and closing movements. In a nutshell: The entire life of mobile.Qualsiasi both the front weight, whatever its thickness allows Blumotion closing doors silently and effortlessly regardless of the speed with which the movement takes place.
In the case of particularly small or light doors, you can also turn off, with a simple gesture, the mechanism or leave it in a single hinge.
If, however, the leaves are particularly thick (such as those up to 24mm) from the hinge 110, thanks to its point of rotation, it makes sure that lanta, once open, will not hit the mobile.Inoltre , precisely the point of rotation, allows lateral leaks irrelevant.
Designing Clip Top Blumotion also took into account the ease of montaggio.Non fact serve tools to fix the sullanta zipper, while the bottom will suffice to apply a hole 13mm.La adjustment is performed by a simple adjustment dimensional with stepless profontit through threaded screw and eccentric vertical adjustment in the event of different mounting plates.
Clip Top Blumotion highly versatile thanks to its use in different campi.In case of small doors will suficiente activate the Blumotion system in one cerniera.La hinge 155, thanks to the flexibility of opening, Allows to recover stowage space .In addition, it can be inserted also in cases of corner doors, such as those of cucina.Infine, it lends itself to be mounted on a wide range of materials ranging from wood to aluminum to glass.