A range of folding doors and sliding that can satisfy any need for purchasing offices and design studios of the great names of the cabinet: it offers ...
Hfele produces systems for sliding doors from the current design and excellence: accessories are durable, well made and functional, high quality standards, for specialist applications. It makes the appropriate system supplier for The industry of the furniture. The technology joins the genialit, together with an experience of years in the components sector. Hfele can offer systems for sliding doors to give answer to the necessities of the clientele really. The sliding door systems Hfele determine the correct operation of each piece of furniture of our house and make it aesthetically perfect and free from any disturbance. The systems for Hfele sliding doors ensure a minimal aesthetic impact on applications. Hfele, brand among the main actors in the realization of accessories for the furniture The industry, with sliding door systems can not find a solution to technical problems preventing them affect design, encouraging a high level of customization by the customers.